주요 경력
2021.09~현재 한국외국어대학교 부교수
2018.01~현재 한국통신학회 이사
2016.09~2021.08 한국외국어대학교 조교수
2015.09~2016.08 국립제주대학교 조교수
2014.08~2015.08 North Carolina State University, Post-doctoral research scholar
2013.09~2014.04 한국과학기술원 박사후연구원
연구실 소개
Wireless Communication Systems Laboratory (WCSL) investigates advanced technologies for wireless communication systems. We not only identify the theoretical limits of wireless communications, but also propose practical schemes and signal processing techniques, which bridge theory and practice. Our research topics include, but are not limited to machine learning-aided wireless communications, interference management, massive MIMO, physical layer security, etc.